Root Canals Therapy in Northampton

What Is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a restorative dentistry procedure for removing infected and inflamed pulp from the pulp cavity. The pulp cavity is at the core of the teeth and houses blood vessels and nerves.

Root canals are necessary when bacterial infections spread from the tooth’s core and begin to irritate the nerves and connective tissues inside the pulp cavity. By visiting your Northampton dentist for a root canal procedure, you can have the infected pulp removed, eliminating the pain and stopping the bacterial infection.

the anatomy of a tooth

Did you know…

Root canals can be performed on primary (baby) teeth

Ready to schedule your appointment?

What to Expect During Your Root Canal Appointment


Examination and Local Anesthesia

The first step involves examining your teeth to determine your candidacy for a root canal. This examination typically involves a visual exam and X-rays. If you get the go-ahead from your dentist, they’ll inject a local anesthetic (usually lidocaine) into the affected area. This injection numbs the affected region for a painless procedure.

Access Hole and Removal of Pulp Chamber

Once the region is completely numb, our Northampton dentist will use a dental drill to drill an access hole on the top surface of the affected tooth, giving them access to the pulp cavity. Once inside, they’ll use files to remove the infected and damaged pulp from the pulp cavity.

Irrigating the Pulp Cavity and Filling

The dentist will use an anti-microbial solution to irrigate inside the pulp cavity and the canals. Doing so disinfects these areas and removes any particles and debris. The dentist will then fill the access holes with a putty-like material called gutta-percha.

Tooth Restoration and Follow-up Care

Some dentists may recommend dental crowns on the affected tooth to enhance protection against arterial infection and improve its structural integrity. Once installed, the dentist will furnish you with instructions on caring for your teeth to improve the effectiveness of your treatment.


After a few weeks, the veneers will be ready and we’ll check that they look and fit right. Then, your teeth will be cleaned, polished, and etched before bonding the veneers to your teeth.

Types of Root Canals


An anterior root canal is a root canal conducted via the lingual side of the teeth. The lingual side is the side of the teeth that touches the tip and front sides of the tongue. This root canal is thus conducted on the front teeth (incisors and canines).

Did you know…

Root canal treatment can prevent the need for tooth extraction.


Have Questions About Root Canal? Find Answers Here.

Did you know…

Root canal treatment can relieve chronic pain in other areas of the body.

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